Aromatic fragrances and personality

The sense of smell is the only one that does not have filters towards the nervous system, it comes directly to our mind, recalling memories and sensations. Perhaps underestimated compared to other senses such as sight, smell is instead an important sensoriality that accompanies us throughout our life in the construction and processing of reality.

The perfume speaks without using words, it goes beyond all cultural limits by communicating common meanings and perceptions but also awakening thoughts, emotions, strictly intimate and personal experiences.

Among our fragrances of air fresheners, choose the one you prefer and find out which characteristics it refers to:

Powdery: powdery and powdery fragrances evoke links with childhood, intimacy and family ties, perfect for those who want to feel safe, protected and at the same time with a certain carefree (Talco Baby Powder)

Citrus: pure and vitaminic energy, orange increases the ability to collaborate, lemon gives a feeling of cleanliness, both belong to those who feel or want to feel full of life; it is also the scent of particularly resilient people, who want to overcome difficulties and bitterness with the sweetness of oranges and the liveliness of lemons, as Stephen King said: 'If life gives you lemons, make yourself a lemonade' (Lemonfresh e Clementine)

Fresh floral: roses, lilies, orange flowers, romanticism and delicacy, the rose in particular is considered in aromatherapy the queen of remedies to regain balance and femininity, from the most passionate red to the delicate white one it represents a refined, elegant personality consists. (Floral Bouquet)

Oriental floral: orchid, iris, peony, for those looking for an extremely enveloping, mysterious and fascinating fragrance, it fits very well in sophisticated situations and environments that want to communicate a sense of refinement and opulence. (Wild Orchid)

Fruttato: fresco e vivace, è un marchio olfattivo di vivacità intellettuale ed emotiva, suscita curiosità e rivela una personalità gourmand, decisa e originale (Green Apple)


So, what fragrance are you?







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