Risultati di questo tipo fanno storcere il naso, ma dovrebbero anche essere lo spunto per dedicare una maggiore attenzione all’igiene di tastiere e mouse all’interno degli ambienti lavorativi: i microorganismi sono infatti minacce invisibili e, per ovvie ragioni, le cose possono mettersi molto male quando computer e periferiche sono utilizzati a turno da più persone.Infatti, come affermato dal dottor Peter Wilson che ha guidato la ricerca, “se qualcuno in ufficio avesse il raffreddore, o addirittura una gastroenterite, molto probabilmente per mezzo di una tastiera la contrarrai anche tu” dal momento che, secondo il microbiologo, le tastiere sono spesso “un riflesso di ciò che si trova nel naso e nell’intestino”.
Results like these may make you wrinkle your nose, but they should also be the starting point for paying more attention to the hygiene of keyboards and mice in the workplace: microorganisms are actually invisible threats and things can of course go wrong . very poor when computers and peripherals are shared between multiple people. In fact, like Dr, you'll contract too,' since keyboards are often 'a reflection of what's in the nose and gut,' according to the microbiologist.
Siete sufficientemente inorriditi? Ebbene, ecco come correre ai ripari e quale importante ruolo hanno i dispenser sapone da ufficio.
Regular cleaning of peripherals
Keyboards are excellent receptacles for germs and dirt because their design is characterized by the presence of many nooks and crannies. A good cleaning always begins by removing the solid residues present inside them, turning the keyboard upside down, shaking it and giving it a few taps; even the use of compressed air cans (outside the window, of course!) effectively eliminates dirt between and under the keys. For the actual cleaning of the surfaces, we recommend using a soft cloth slightly soaked in alcohol, with which to carefully rub the entire keyboard (including the back and edges).
Thorough hand washing with dispensers in the bathroom
After having carefully cleaned the keyboard of our workstation, we certainly do not want to recontaminate it immediately after using it with dirty hands, do we? To our rescue come the office bathroom dispensers, and specifically the soap dispensers, which can contain soap in liquid or foam and that we must remember to use every time we go to the toilet. Just rinsing with water is not enough, while rubbing your hands with soap for at least twenty seconds allows you to remove most of the microorganisms from the skin.The hands must of course also be dried using the special paper towel dispensers in the bathroom. , or electric towels. Both systems allow for the effective removal of residual moisture from the skin, but from a hygienic point of view, the toilet paper dispensers offer an additional advantage: the sheet of paper can in fact be used to open the door, thus avoiding touching handles or potentially dirty surfaces while exiting the toilets. Regularly cleaning keyboards and mice, and washing hands with soap and water, are fundamental gestures to avoid the spread of health problems and the consequent absence due to illness: productivity in the workplace thanks!